Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center Blog

Are You Feeling Stuck?

One of the most challenging things in your body when you are feeling it struggle – are the emotions attached.

One of those feelings is the feeling of being STUCK.

Like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. The same day, over and over again.

Finding Your Purpose

One of the hottest topics for readers today is the idea of finding your purpose.

Purpose being some idea or mission that you feel compelled to pursue, with passion and constant unending desire. It’s often described as a never-ending inner fire to pursue and accomplish something.

Massage Therapy in Medina OH

5 Benefits of Massage Therapy

5 Benefits of Massage Therapy Everyone loves a good back rub or a spa day, but the benefits of massage therapy are more than skin deep. Those who choose to addition their health regimen with regular massages will not only enjoy a relaxing hour, but they will see the benefits carry through the days and weeks…

Woman Sleeping

Reasons To Catch A Little More Shut Eye

Reasons To Catch A Little More Shut Eye At Advanced Spine, from chiropractic to physical therapy, all the way to massage and our medical team, our goal is always function, recovery, and healing. But, there is a side of healing that we aren’t able to directly aid in our office- the healing that naturally takes…

Yellow, Green, and Red Roller Coaster

What’s missing from one of chiropractic’s most famous charts?

Many chiropractors have a great chart, that shows a graph of “health” over time. And it depicts two lines, of two different possibilities. One being a steadily ascending line going upwards as the chart progresses to the right (albeit, with ups and downs on the way up).

Woman Measuring Waist

Inflammation and Your Bacon

Inflammation and Your Bacon If you are beginning the journey of losing weight in Medina, or just interested in changing your nutritional lifestyle, start with your basics! The American diet is often “PROINFLAMMATORY”, meaning it promotes inflammation throughout the body. It’s high in sugars, flour and omega 6 fatty acids. Items like yogurt, ketchup, granola,…