Teacher Appreciation Days

Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center is thankful for everything the faculty and staff at local schools do for the kids in our community. That’s why we offer Teacher Appreciation Days for the local school districts. This program is a special thank you for all of the work done by everyone who selflessly contributes to the bettering of our future. Our Teacher Appreciation Days include having one or more of our staff members come to your school and perform a complimentary 15-minute chair massage to all faculty and staff. Everyone from the Superintendent who directs the school system to the bus drivers who get our kids safely to and from school is invited.
All Schools Welcome
We typically offered this program only during Teacher Appreciation Month. However, since we want to offer this program to all of the schools in our community we have opened up our schedule to provide them throughout the school year. Our staff can come in as the teachers are preparing their rooms at the beginning of the year all the way through the end of the year as teachers are packing everything up for the summer. Typically we’ve found that Teacher Appreciation Days are best during lunch breaks throughout the school year or on in-service days.
Teacher Appreciation Days
Are an excellent way to build staff morale and show how much the administrators, teachers, parents and even kids appreciate everyone’s hard work throughout the year. For schools interested in educating the faculty and staff even further, we will also offer one of our health related workshops , with a complimentary breakfast or lunch.
Offering these programs
Helps us fulfill our mission of trying to help as many people as possible throughout our local community. Please know that this program is offered as a thank you to the local schools – there is no heavy sales push for any service that our facility offers. If we find someone who has a problem and would like help with it, we simply offer them the opportunity to receive a complimentary consultation in our office with one of our doctors.
Since our doctors and staff volunteer their time for a variety of programs in the area, the number of Teacher Appreciation Days we can provide each year is limited.
To have Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center set up a Teacher Appreciation Day for your school, please call 330-721-6504 or contact us below.
7:30am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
Advanced Spine Joint & Wellness Center
5020 Victor Drive
Medina, OH 44256
(330) 721-6504